There are several ways to update the appearance of your kitchen without spending lots of money. To do this, simply paint your kitchen cabinets. If you’re planning to do some home improvement work, you might want to start with this simple task. Keeping them clean may be a concern for you. Several more things can happen in your kitchen, resulting in cabinet damage. Liquid and oily droplets everywhere. It’s possible to maintain the aesthetic appeal of your painted cabinets by being familiar with the most effective cleaning methods.
This is how to clean painted wood cabinet doors:-
When you clean your painted wood cabinets, think about the damage that too much water and strong abrasives could do to the wood and the paint. If there is a lot of dirt and oil on the surface, you might try a few different light cleaning methods. Among them:
- Wipe down your cabinets with a damp and soft cloth to get rid of light stains and dust (microfiber is ideal). Then, with a new cloth or towel, dry them off.
- Clean with dish soap and warm water to remove oil and dirt. A delicate cloth should be dipped in this mixture, but be careful not to oversaturate it. Then, make circular movements to remove the grease from your cabinets. Once the oil is gone, use another towel and water that isn’t soapy to get rid of any foam or stains. Take a sponge and wipe down the cabinets.
- Vinegar (1 cup), warm water (2 cups), and baking soda (1 tablespoon) can be used to clean tough grease and stains (tip: add a small amount of dish soap for extra-strength). Dip a soft cloth into the mixture and use it to clean the parts of your cabinets that have more grease and aren’t as clean. You can also make a vinegar and water solution that you can spray on and let it sit on the thicker grease spots for a few minutes. Then, you can wash them. To clean the rest of the mess, grab a new cloth and use water that isn’t soapy. Take a sponge and wipe down the cabinets.
If the methods suggested above aren’t cutting the grease, you may also apply paint-safe cleaners—just make sure to spot-test before continuing. You may protect your painted cabinets from damage by washing them more often and less intensively.
Avoid These Mistakes When Cleaning Painted Cabinets
- Scrubbers or sponges with hard particles
- Bleach, ammonia, or other harsh chemicals-based cleaners
- Soak your cabinets with water
- Soaking hinges or gathering water inside cabinets
- Leaving cabinets damp to allow them to dry naturally
How to Clean Painted Cabinets: Regular, careful cleaning is the best method to maintain your cabinets free of stains, oil, dust, and debris. Here are some helpful hints for keeping your kitchen cabinets clean:
- Clean them on a regular basis.
- After using the kitchen, clean as you go.
- Sprays should be cleaned up immediately.
- Wet towels should not be hungover cabinet doors or drawers.
- 1–2 times each year, thoroughly clean the outside and inside.
- When necessary, refinish the paint.
Are your newly cleaned cabinets in need of repainting?
Are you noticing that your cabinets still seem a little worn after being cleaned of oil and dirt? If the paint is dull or damaged, it may be time for a new coat. Count on Apex Painting Group, your neighborhood pros, for superior cabinet paint repainting quality. We can assist you with restoring the aesthetics of your cabinets and other home components, both inside and outside. For further information, contact us at 239-878-3710 or get an estimate online today.